Friday, 28 July 2017

Visiting Harold in the Life Ed. Truck

We went to visit Harold in the Life Education Truck. He taught us about the respiratory cycle and why clean air is important. You can find some of our stories on the Life Education Facebook page. Here is a link to the photos we took with Harold as he explained how trees give us oxygen, which we breath in through our mouth and nose. It goes down our windpipe, or trachea and into our lungs. From the lungs it goes into the drops of blood that the heart pumps all around the body. Oxygen gives our muscles energy. They release carbon dioxide which goes back to our lungs in the blood, it then goes up the wind pipe, or trachea, to breath out our nose and mouth. The carbon dioxide is then absorbed by the trees. The trees then make this into oxygen and the cycle starts again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 4, I really like how you learn about the respiratory cycle and why clean air is important. And we need the tree to breathe.
    It is really nice that you get to meet Harold and learn about how every thing is important.
    Form LyiSorn Pt England School
